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Hoocąk Online Independent Teaching Exercises (HOIT’E) Introduction

Aho, hižąkišąną hinįkaragiwi!

Welcome to Hoocąk Online Independent Targeted Exercises, or H.O.I.T.’E. This is a Hoocąk language course for the independent learner. If you are looking to get an introduction to the language or can’t quite commit to a regularly scheduled class then this is the place for you. We will post videos here on an array of topics. We will then have a class on every Wednesday at 11:00 with Our Eminent Speakers to discuss this or any other topic. Eminent Speaker Session will take place on Zoom and also be live streamed on our Hoocąk Academy Facebook page. If you wish to partake in the Zoom to ask our Eminent Speakers any question. We will post the Zoom link to the class on Facebook. Simply click and you’re in the class.

Below we will leave links to our videos and all Eminent Speaker session if you can t make it. This is an independent class so you are at liberty to go as fast or as slow as you need to. This is not intended to add any pressure to you or your family but rather an opportunity to complete the lessons at your own pace.



