Language Class Application. Click below and fill out the form to start your learning journey.
OPP 1D Body, Characteristics, & Traits
Learners will learn everyday vocabulary about the body and personality traits.
OPP 1A Introduction & Kinship
Learners will be able to introduce themselves which include their name, age, clan, and where they live. They will also be able to introduce immediate family members as well
It Starts With Me
By the end of this 9 week course, learners will have an understanding of what it takes to learn a language, proficiency levels and will have a language learning plan.
Online Pathways Program 1B – Time, Weather, and Traveling
Prerequisite: Successful completion of OPP 1A or test out. By the end of this 12 week course, learners will be able to add time and weather to their language and begin using Hoocąk Traveling Verbs.
Online Pathways Program 1C
Welcome to Online Pathways 1C. By the end of this 12-week course, learners will gain a vocabulary in the “daily life” areas of Mealtime and In the House, including everyday phrases for both topic areas. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Pathways 1B or test out of 1A & 1B. Winter 2025 Syllabus:
Online Pathways Program 2A
Class Description The Online Pathway Program 2a benefits those who want to attend class but can’t due to location or scheduling. These classes will introduce a more advanced foundation of Hoocąk reading, writing and most importantly, speaking the language. Although this program is online, the student are required to meet with their instructor once a…
Online Pathways Program 2b
The Online Pathway Program is a 12 week hybrid course with some classwork to be completed (asynchronously) AHEAD of the weekly meeting zoom session (synchronous). Pathways 2 of the Online Pathways Program focuses on building on basic Hoocąk sentence structure and verb conjugation.
HOIT’E Autonomous Learning course
Haho, hižąkišąną hinįkaragiwi! Welcome to H.O.I.T.’E. (Hoocąk Online Independent Targeted Exercises). This is a Hoocąk language course for the autonomous learner. This course intends to give interested learners an introduction to the language. It is recommended to take the It Starts With Me course before starting this course. This is an autonomous learning course where…